
The word routine can have a negative connotation, as in- things are too routine or I’m stuck in a rut. However if you think of it as a rhythm, like the tides or a sick dance crew, it can be a good thing.

While I’m a proponent of mindfulness, I find it a huge challenge to hold my brain back from getting away from me, so compartmentalizing my day, whether it’s a week day or weekend, helps me focus on doing one thing at a time.

It can be fun too, not just checking off the boxes on a to do list. If you remember to build the things you love into your schedule then they don’t get overlooked as they almost always do if you just flew by the seat of your pants all day.

Even mundane tasks are made immensely better when you add a soundtrack to it or try to see the art in it – translation: yes I’m that weirdo that wears her headphones while grocery shopping. What can I say? The Glorious Sons just add that extra something while trying to decide whether it’s worth splurging on the organic bananas.

So give it a shot, remove chaos and create your own flow and sing along with me – rhythm is gonna get’cha, rhythm is gonna get’cha…you’re welcome.